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A day at IT.

9:00 am

You arrive at work and start by grabbing yourself a delicious espresso or cappuccino. You run into some colleagues from Finance, there's something happening with the datafeeds. You'll put it on your to-do list for today.

9:30 am

Gather for a standup with Customer Experience team. In Jira, you check the progress of the projects you are working on, and the points you'll need to discuss with our software provider.

10:00 am

You have a call scheduled with our software provider. What is the status of the upcoming release? Is anything ready for the testing phase? Has that one fix been accepted yet?

11:00 am

Quickly check what's up with the datafeeds for Finance. After all, without numbers, there can be no reports.


It's lunchtime! Are you having a cheese sandwich today? Or will you fry an egg? Healthy lunch burrito perhaps? In any case, there's soup for those who want some. Delicious! After lunch, get some fresh air and go for a walk with some people from other teams, or play a game of ping pong against the CEO.

1:00 pm

You have a project meeting about our new domains. We are rolling out four new countries this year, so there's a lot to do! There are different tax rates, currencies and shipping options. It's a challenging task, but certainly doable with the right colleagues and suppliers.

3:00 pm

You have a meeting with the Business Analyst: she's going to figure some things out for you but needs input to get started. What are actually the requirements for that new tool? What is the budget? How do we connect the tool to our custom middleware?

4:00 pm

At the end of the day, try to figure out that shipping problem for Denmark. Something is not going quite as it should with the VAT calculation on the invoices. You fix it in no time.

5:00 pm

Time to call it a day! Whistling, you cycle home where you'll have plenty to talk about the cool things you did today over dinner.

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